Administrations and Versions
Administration of PEDI-CAT
The PEDI-CAT does not require any special environment, materials or activities for administration. The PEDI-CAT can be completed directly by the child’s caregiver(s) or by the child’s therapist/clinician. The assessment focuses on typical performance at the present time.
The PEDI-CAT can be used on multiple occasions for the same child (e.g. initial, interim, discharge and follow-up) and there is no minimum time that must pass between assessments.
A review of the PEDI-CAT Manual is recommended prior to administration for professionals to familiarize themselves with the administration procedures, instrument content, item intent, response scales and score interpretation.
The PEDI-CAT can be installed on a Windows PC/tablet or accessed via the web. The online version can be used on computers, iPads or smartphones . See Ordering for details.
Versions of PEDI-CAT
1) Speedy (“Precision”) CAT: This is the most efficient CAT as it is the quickest way to get a score estimate that is precise while administering 10-15 items per domain. The score report for the Speedy CAT includes a T-score, age percentile, a scaled score, a list of the responses to all PEDI-CAT items and an item map showing the location of the responses for that domain.
2) Content-Balanced (“Comprehensive”) CAT: Approximately 30 items per domain are administered which include a balance of items from each of the content areas within each domain. The score report for the Content-Balanced CAT includes a normative score, a scaled score, and an item map showing the location of the responses for that domain. The Content-Balanced is most useful for individual program planning for children who have functional abilities ranging in the middle to higher end of the scale.
PEDI-CAT with ASD scales
The ASD is a module of the PEDI-CAT that has been validated for the population of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This module includes additional directions to help parents select an appropriate rating given the unique characteristics of children with autism. This module also includes new or revised items in the Daily Activities, Social/Cognitive, and Responsibility domains. In addition, scaling of items on the Social/Cognitive domain has been adjusted according to the unique patterns of children and youth with autism but scores are expressed on the same metric as the original PEDI-CAT. However, if you have used the original PEDI-CAT Social/Cognitive domain and switch to the PEDI-CAT ASD a score transformation is needed to compare Social/Cognitive scaled scores across versions. The other domains do not require any score adjustments for comparisons across versions. The PEDI-CAT with ASD scales also includes revised item maps with new and revised items and to reflect adjusted scaling. No changes have been made to the PEDI-CAT (ASD) Mobility domain.
To view the Pearson Publishing PEDI-CAT Overview Webinar, click here.–register-now-.html