In Memory of Stephen Haley, PT, PhD, FAPTA
The PEDI-CAT was the final milestone of Dr. Stephen Haley’s career as a researcher, teacher, and therapist. Steve died in July 2011 after a 5 year battle with cancer. During his illness, Steve continued to lead the development of the PEDI-CAT. Even as his condition worsened, his brilliance was still evident.
After his death, the research team struggled to continue working on the project. We were not just a team working on a project; rather, we were friends who had drawn closer through our love for Steve. As we mourned, we realized that we needed to find a way to finish the PEDI-CAT without Steve. However, the PEDI-CAT continued to be guided by Steve because every meeting, phone call and email exchange would inevitably include a discussion about how Steve would handle the issue at hand.
The PEDI-CAT was launched in October 2012. It is our hope that the PEDI-CAT will be of great value to clinicians and researchers, and most importantly, to children and their families, just as Steve would have intended.